Federal regulations, HEA Sec. 484(c), §668.16, 668.34, 要求所有参加第四章联邦财政援助计划的学校有一个令人满意的学术进步(SAP)政策,符合以下详细要求. 这些要求适用于所有学生,作为获得经济援助资格的一个决定因素.

  • SAP是在每学期成绩发布到学术历史之后计算的 由 司法常务官办公室.
  • If, after the 第一个 术语 of attendance you are not making SAP, you will be put on a 警告 status and allowed to keep aid for one 术语. 您的继续资格将在下个学期检查点后确定.  请注意:当超过你的学位的最大时间框架,你将不会收到 警告条款.
  • 如果您的SAP状态是 失败 检查完成后,您将没有资格获得以下经济援助 术语.
  • 如果您的SAP状态是 失败 如果你不能在数学上达到SAP的要求,上诉将不被允许. 记录的减轻情节可能允许继续逐案审查 基础 and will require an academic plan.
  • 学生在其学术生涯中只能对其SAP不合格状态上诉两次 在已经代. 记录在案的减轻情节可能允许对个案进行额外上诉 基础.

Quantitative and 定性要求s

1. Quantitative Requirement

The quantitative requirement has two parts:

  • 最大时间范围
  • A required completion ratio


最大时间范围 (maximum attempted credit hours) – You must earn your degree before reaching 180 attempted credit hours, 其中包括在正规博彩十大网站排名(正规博彩十大网站排名)注册之前和注册期间在任何学校尝试的可转移学分。. 正在攻读与第一个学位不同的第二个本科学位的学生将获得60个额外的学时来完成第二个学位的要求. 

Once you reach the maximum attempted credit hours, you are no longer eligible for 金融援助 as an undergraduate student. 

完成的比例 – You must complete and pass at least 67% of all credit hours you attempt. Courses earned include grades of A, B, C, D, or S. Courses attempted include any course in which grades of A, B, C, D, F, W, WF, I, S, U或IP是给定的.


最大时间范围 – The maximum time frame varies by degree level. 

Once you reach the maximum attempted credit hours, you are no longer eligible for 金融援助 as a graduate student. 

完成的比例 – You must earn at least 67% of all attempted credit hours. Courses earned include grades of A, B, C, D, or S. Courses attempted include any course in which grades of A, B, C, D, F, W, WF, I, S, U或IP是给定的.

2. 定性要求

定性要求为所有学生设定了最低累积平均绩点.  The cumulative GPA includes grades of A, B, C, D, F, and WF.  The cumulative GPA will be checked each 术语 for SAP.

  • 本科生 – The cumulative GPA requirement is 2.每学期00元.
  • 研究生 – The cumulative GPA requirement is 3.每学期00元.

累积绩点在机构层面和包括转学工作在内的整体层面进行评估.  未达到最低GPA要求的学生将受到警告和不及格处分, 是适用的.


    • 初步审查 – You are considered to be meeting SAP during your 第一个 已经术语.
    • End of Every Semester Review -你的SAP状态是在每学期结束时,在注册办公室将成绩发布到你的学术历史之后计算的.
    • 你不再有资格获得经济援助,包括勤工俭学、贷款、助学金或奖学金. 如果你在 警告状态 – eligibility may continue.
    • Because you do not qualify for 金融援助, 你必须在付款截止日期前支付学费和杂费,否则你的注册将被财务处取消.
  • 当您尝试了最大学分时,您将不再有资格获得 金融援助.
  • 是的.  攻读第二个学士学位的学生可获得240学时的资格.
  • 是的.  Eligibility is based on the degree level being pursued.
    • 警告状态 —第一次未达到要求的完成率时,状态为 警告. You remain eligible to receive 金融援助 while in warning status.  
    • 失败状态 – After attending one semester on 警告 状态,如果你没有达到要求的完成比例,你的状态变成 失败状态. 在达到要求的标准之前,你不再有资格获得经济援助 得到满足. You must successfully appeal to regain eligibility.
    • 缓刑的地位 – After being placed on a 故障状态,以及 一名学生已经上诉成功,经济援助已经恢复 is eligible to receive 金融援助. This status is only for one 术语 and quite often will carry conditions and/or stipulations for continued eligibility.
  • 上诉要求:

    • A typewritten explanation of extenuating 情况下 associated with 失败状态. 说明这些情况是如何变化的,以便您能够遵守法规 在未来.
    • 附上证明文件,以证实在 这封信.
      Include a “student plan of action” for academic improvement. 这要求你与你的学术顾问见面,并收到一份恢复良好学术地位的计划.
    • 附上至少一封来自某人的支持信,可以证明减刑 情况下. This individual should not be a family member. 例子包括 a medical doctor, clergy, professional, etc.
    • 上诉表格必须提交给奖学金和财政援助办公室 within the prescribed dates as noted on the SAP的吸引力 Form. 失败 to provide these within the prescribed dates will result in a delayed de术语ination.
    • 一个客观的委员会,由奖学金办公室以外选定的个人组成 and 金融援助, de术语ines whether the appeal is approved. 法院的决定 Appeals Committee is final and cannot be appealed further.
  • If you are denied an appeal or you decide not to appeal, you must complete the necessary hours and earn the appropriate grades. 一旦你达到了规定的标准,你就有资格获得经济援助. 
  • 如果你在本科阶段达到不及格状态,然后被研究生录取 学位课程,你将有资格获得助学金作为研究生. 你必须在攻读学位,并且完全被研究生课程录取.
    • Changes in major, double majors, double degrees or minors – may cause you to reach your maximum attempted hours, and lose your eligibility before earning a degree.

    • Incomplete grades, missing grades, failing grades, course withdrawals -都会降低你的完成率,因为它们被算作尝试,但不计入学分. They also count against your maximum attempted hours.

    • 重复的课程 – count as attempted credit hours each time you register for them. They also count against the allowed maximum. 

    • 学术复兴 – count against your maximum attempted credits, 同时也要降低你的完成率,因为学分只算尝试而不算获得.

    • 转学学分,交叉注册时取得的学分,注册出国留学时取得的学分; 瞬态研究 – count toward your maximum attempted credits and your completion ratio. 

    • 补救课程 -计入尝试学分和学分,并包括在GPA计算中.

    • Late posted grades or grade changes - Grade changes will be reviewed at the next SAP calculation date.
  • 因SAP不合格而被停学或选择不参加的学生 will not be automatically eligible for 金融援助 upon their return. 学生必须 meet both qualitative and quantitative standards of SAP. If below standards, a student 必须上诉或使用经济援助以外的方式来支付教育费用吗. Absence does not restore eligibility for 金融援助. 了解他们的SAP标准仍然是学生的责任 被开除后返校或因SAP选择不返校 失败.
  • 所有在夏季学期尝试和完成的学时被视为任何其他学期 hours in de术语ining SAP status. SAP will be checked following the summer 术语 as 好吧.
  • students are not eligible to receive 金融援助 for audit courses. 审计的课程 are not included in hours attempted or earned for SAP de术语ination.
  • 攻读双学位的学生受最长时间限制 但可能会由奖学金和财务办公室根据具体情况进行审查 援助.


奖学金和经济援助办公室保留审查被拒绝的上诉的权利, cumulative GPA's and completion rates on a case by case 基础.