学术常设上诉委员会将评估豁免学术法规的请愿书, 取款, 保留, 解雇, 级变化, 以及其他有关学术地位的问题. The results of this work will be sent to the Provost and 注册商. 

What is NOT appropriate for Appeal to the University Academic Appeals Committee:

  • 对成绩本身的学术不满. 参考学术目录 适当的等级申诉.
  • Issues related to financial aid and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). 请链接 到SAP网站.
  • 请求从记录中删除W.
  • 毕业要求
  • 招生上诉

Information related to financial aid and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) appeals 都可以在 奖学金和财政援助办公室.

Graduate students cannot appeal Dismissal Suspension through this process. 联系 尼基Palamiotis 下一步.


It is the responsibility of the student to submit a complete Academic Standing Appeal packet to the 司法常务官办公室 by the posted deadline. 之后收到的数据包 the posted deadline will be deferred to the next appeal meeting.

All appeals must be submitted by NOON of the deadline: 委员会会议安排如下:
2024年5月16日,星期四 2024年5月24日星期五上午10点 & Friday May 31, 2024, 10:00am (May 31 withdrawal appeals 只在这一天)
2024年6月21日星期五  2024年7月8日星期一上午10点
2024年8月6日,星期二 2024年8月9日星期五下午2点 & Friday August 16, 2024, 10:00am (August 16 withdrawal 只限当日上诉)
2024年10月4日,星期五 2024年10月18日星期五上午10点

不完整的, 学术常设上诉委员会不受理字迹不清或手写的申诉材料.  Students will be notified of missing or incomplete appeal packets by email. Appeals deemed incomplete will require resubmission of a completed appeal form. 

上诉决定将在委员会对上诉进行审查和投票后的两到三个工作日内通过电子邮件发送. Your 正规博彩十大网站排名 email is the address in which you will be notified regarding your appeal. 如果您没有活跃的正规博彩十大网站排名电子邮件帐户,您可以提供备用电子邮件地址. 

请将查询转给 academicappeal@肯尼索.edu.



除了填写申诉表格, a student is required to write a 个人 statement of the hardship. 该声明是向学术常设委员会解释和传达非学术紧急情况或困难的叙述.  必须包括有关困难情况的准确细节,例如紧急情况的日期以及这种情况如何具体妨碍学生完成课程作业的说明.

医学(e.g. physical or psychological emergencies or birth of a child):
Typed correspondence on office letterhead from a physician, 心理学家, 精神病学家, 或任何有执照的医疗保健专业人员应作为您的文件的一部分提交.  The letter should include the dates for which you were under the doctor’s care, 说明您的疾病/状况如何影响您完成课程和姓名, title, 还有那个人的签名.  处方笺上的注意事项, 任命通知书, and/or medical consultation forms are not acceptable in lieu of a doctor’s letter.  关于孩子的出生, 儿童出生证明副本和医疗专业人员的书面声明,确认儿童出生造成的情有可原的情况.

All family emergencies require official and/or notarized forms, 来自国家机构的文件或信件, 政府实体或信誉良好的企业.  For example, death of a close family relative requires a death certificate. 在离婚案件中, attach supporting court documents and a written statement from a counselor, 牧师, 雇主, 教练, attorney or adviser confirming the extenuating circumstances.

金融(e.g., loss of sole-supporting job, head of household challenges, mandatory 工作变动):
财务紧急情况要求学生的雇主或主管记录强制性变更。, 变更的日期, 以及能够核实工作变动情况的组织代表, 最好是人力资源专业人士. 


This appeal can be submitted by both undergraduate and graduate students.

当发生非学术性紧急情况,导致学生无法完成课程作业时,学生可以申请休学.g. 严重的医疗问题, traumatic events or circumstances) causing a student to miss numerous classes.  如果学生认为“F”(不出勤)或“WF”(未能正确退学)的成绩分配不公正,可以向学术常务委员会提出申诉,要求将成绩改为“W”。.

通常, non-academic hardships tend to fall into one of three categories: medical, 个人, 和金融.  除非有令人信服的理由,否则很少批准部分撤资.  如果学生要求部分退学, 必须说明和记录清楚地说明非学术紧急情况如何和/或为什么只影响了部分研究. 部分退学的例子:学生有四门课,其中两门不及格,另外两门及格. 

困难退学受以下限制:学生不符合条件 在已完成课程要求的课程中因困难退学 (e.g. taking the final exam or submitting the final project).

一般而言,学术常务委员会不会考虑更改成绩的要求 beyond one year from the end of the semester in which the grade was assigned. 请愿书 for a grade change will not be accepted after the date of graduation.

学术常务委员会只能审查与退学有关的成绩分配情况. 所有其他年级的申诉必须根据 肯尼索州立目录中概述的程序处理.



  1. 关于如何完成DocuSign的说明 教练形式 下面是你所申请的每个班级.  如讲师已不在本校任教,请联络系主任并寻求协助. 正规博彩十大网站排名可在 校园目录. 完成的 教练形式 必须附在上诉表格上吗.  不完整的 教练形式s will not be reviewed.

    • 打开表格,输入您的姓名和正规博彩十大网站排名的电子邮件地址,以及讲师的姓名和正规博彩十大网站排名的电子邮件地址. 不使用导师的D2L邮箱. 点击“开始签名”,输入所有学生信息,签名,点击“完成”.”
    • When the 教练 has signed, you will receive a notification email from DocuSign. 打开并点击VIEW COMPLETED DOCUMENT. 下载并以PDF格式保存到您的计算机.
    • Upload the PDF copy to the 撤销上诉表格 where indicated.
    • Do not upload an unsigned and/or incomplete 教练形式 to the appeals form.

  2. 收集所需文件:

    • A typed 个人 statement limited to one page explaining the non-academic situation. This should provide sufficient information to the Academic Standing Committee in order to make a decision regarding your withdrawal appeal. 一定要包括所有内容 与困难有关的日期.
    • Official documentation that supports your 个人 statement (see 文档需求).
    • For partial appeal requests, include justification and documentation of why only the 已确定的课程受到影响.

  3. 提交填妥的 撤销上诉表格 附上所有必需的文件. 


This appeal form is to be used if you are appealing your suspension due to academic 解雇. If your academic 解雇 was due to extenuating non-academic circumstances, 你可能有资格向学术常务委员会提出上诉,以放弃这一暂停. 此表格只适用于本科生. Graduate students must appeal through the Office 研究生招生.


第一次解雇,暂停上诉只在你被解雇的学期结束时举行的上诉会议上进行审查.  如果被批准,你的一个学期的休学将被取消,你可以在下学期重新入学. 如果你不确定你是否应该提交第一次解雇暂停上诉,请联系 academicappeal@肯尼索.edu.


Second and third 解雇 suspension appeals may be reviewed at any appeals meeting.

In the case of a second 解雇, if the student has not been enrolled for three 或者更多学期,他们只需要重新申请.


The following documentation must be gathered and saved as individual PDF documents 在开始网上申诉表格之前.

  1. A typed 个人 statement limited to one page explaining the non-academic situation. This should provide sufficient information to the Academic Standing Committee in order to make a decision regarding your appeal to readmit. 一定要包括所有内容 与困难有关的日期.
  2. Official documentation that supports your 个人 statement. 看到 文档需求 浏览上诉网页.
  3. 学业成功的行动计划. 描述你的处境发生了什么变化 that will assist you in achieving academic success in the future. 详细说明你的计划 for the courses and steps you will take to ensure your success. 你必须和 an academic advisor to develop an academic plan. 顾问的签名必须在上面 这个计划. If you need assistance contacting an academic advisor, please go to the 学术顾问 网站查看联系顾问的步骤. 
  4. 提交填妥的 解雇上诉表格 附上所有必需的文件.
  5. 请注意,如果您的上诉被批准并且您被重新录取,这不会影响您的经济援助状态.  You must follow-up with financial aid to submit an SAP Appeal to receive financial aid.
  6. Students needing readmission should complete the 重新接纳的应用程序.



  • 留校察看的学生,有下列情形之一的,将被开除:

    他/她没有保持2.00 grade point average for courses attempted in any semester.
    A student who is dismissed is not in good academic standing at 正规博彩十大网站排名 and is not eligible 立即再入院.

  • A:休学被取消,你必须在委员会批准的学期内重新入学.  The 注册商’s Office will contact you and tell you how to proceed. 
  • A:学籍申诉是学生对非学籍的退学、停学提出的申诉, 个人 hardships that have impacted the student's studies. 本科生通过教务处向学术常务委员会提交申诉.  研究生通过研究生招生办公室有一个单独的程序.
  • 答:没有, 当你完成休学并在截止日期前提交重新入学申请时,你有资格返回.  请参阅入学截止日期
  • 答:经批准的申诉只允许学生放弃休学,并允许学生返回经批准的学期. The academic standing of 解雇 will always remain on the student’s record.
  • A: An appeal for a first 解雇 suspension must be submitted by the appeal deadline for the appeals meeting held immediately after the term ends; i.e.如果你被解雇的话 春季学期结束后,你必须提交申请参加会议 在五月底举行.
  • A:你应该跟部门联系一下.e.,并请求协助
  • A:你应该跟部门联系一下.e.,并请求协助.